Payne Mitchell Ramsey

Jim Mitchell Obtains $38 Million Dollar Verdict Against General Motors

Texas Supreme Court Unanimously Affirms $20M+ Judgment Against Emerson Climate And Fusite

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Jim Mitchell Obtains a Jury Verdict of $36 Million in Sarah Milburn v. American Honda Motor Company Inc.

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Andy Payne and Todd Ramsey Receive a $3.6 Million Verdict against Williams and Advanced Stimulation Technologies Inc.

Andy Payne and Todd Ramsey obtain a jury verdict of $2.6 million

Notable Results

At Payne Mitchell Ramsey, we’re here to make a difference. Often, it’s helping victims of negligence or faulty products gain restitution for the personal and financial hardships they’ve incurred. Other times, we rectify conditions that exist in the marketplace, and move industries toward a better, safer way of doing business. But in everything we do, we seek to make a fundamental difference in the lives of the people we represent.

Notable Results

Andy Payne Resolves Defect Vehicle Seat Case

Like seatbelts, the seat is an important part of restraining passengers in a crash. In this case, defects in the seat allowed the occupant to slide under the restraint and break her neck. As a result, Payne Mitchell Ramsey's client was rendered a quadriplegic. Payne Mitchell Ramsey showed that the major vehicle manufacturer used cheap defective seats for rear seat passengers in order to save money. Our efforts resulted in a substantial confidential settlement.
